Toddler Approved Oatmeal Muffins

Toddler Approved Oatmeal Muffins
I swear my kid woke up one day and just stopped eating. From a young age, my boy like to EAT. As a newborn I couldn’t nurse him enough and when he finally started getting… View Post

Homemade Taco/Fajita Seasoning

Homemade Taco/Fajita Seasoning
This family is OBSESSED with taco seasoning. We use it on everything and it can make any ground turkey taste just like some full-fat beef ๐Ÿ˜› But the thought of a packaged seasoning makes me… View Post

5 Toddler Meals In Under 5 Minutes.

5 Toddler Meals In Under 5 Minutes.
Raise your hand if you have dealt with the stage five clinger! For what felt like a lifetime my little guy was stuck to my hip. He was held for all naps and at bedtime.… View Post

Protein Pumpkin Frappe

Protein Pumpkin Frappe
Happy Halloween!! I couldn’t miss the opportunity to post something pumpkin spice before October was over! Now that I think about it I’ve already posted something pumpkin a while back (Protein Pumpkin Waffles ) but… View Post

The Not So Pretty Pumpkin Cookies

The Not So Pretty Pumpkin Cookies
  Like promised here is the recipe for my not so cookie like pumpkin cookies ๐Ÿ˜They are doughy and have just a hint of sweetness. I prefer a cookie with a little bit of crunch… View Post