Playroom Reveal

Playroom Reveal
It’s finished! Finally, after months of talking about my plan we have completed the playroom! We decided to take our loft toy area and move it to our unfinished basement because… boys! We quickly ran… View Post

When the Stars Aligned.

When the Stars Aligned.
It was roughly four am when my now mother in law received the phone call that no mother would ever want to receive. She was told her son had been in a major car accident,… View Post

Dining Room Remodel

Dining Room Remodel
To say my style has changed throughout the years would be a major understatement. While the rest of my house was full of creamy whites and wooden accents, I had a dining room that sat… View Post

Master Bedroom Remodel

Master Bedroom Remodel
I always say if the room doesn’t feel right then it isn’t finished. Ever since we’ve moved in (seven years ago) I just never had that warm and cozy feeling I was hoping for in… View Post

Intuitively Me.

Intuitively Me.
 I always said that one day I would go back to competing. When my babies were grown and I was back to living for myself, I would do it. What I didn’t know before having… View Post