Mrs. Patels Lactation Support Review


For those who struggle with supply, it’s that much harder.

With my first child, one of my main triggers for postpartum anxiety was the fear of being unable to breastfeed. I struggled. My son refused to latch. He didn’t nurse for days and I had to syringe feed him milk. I was DETERMINED.

Once we finally figured out how to get him to nurse properly my supply had taken a hit. My anxiety only grew larger. I began to pump every single feed in fear of my milk just one day stopping. Now that I look back I see how unrealistic this fear was but at the moment it was so very real.

My son went on to nurse 16 months and I had enough stored milk to give him bottles until 21 months.

When I became pregnant the second time I knew I needed to prepare myself better to avoid this anxiety. I also knew I didn’t want the stress of such excessive pumping.

That’s when Mrs. Patels reached out to me to try their lactation support products.

Upon receiving them the first thing I noticed was the amazing packaging! It’s beautiful and the little details make me want to keep purchasing them just from that! Each package has a sweet little script of support when you open it. Breastfeeding mamas know that goes a long way!

Starting with the lactation chai tea. The tea has a delicious sweet smell. The flavor is very strong but it has a sweet cinnamon after taste. This tea gave me a noticeable increase in my milk supply after just a few days of consistently drinking it! Even better is every tea bag can be used twice!

The next product is the chocolate lactation bars. I chose a dairy-free fenugreek bar. They offer a bunch of different flavors such as peanut butter, salted caramel, and white chocolate along with other options to tailor to any dietary restrictions such as dairy and gluten-free! The bars have a yummy layer of chocolate on top. They are so indulgent and the perfect little treat!

They have a unique flavor that took me a few times to get acquired to. I believe it is the fenugreek that takes some adjusting to. There is a strong oaty taste with that thick layer of chocolate giving it a savory and sweet feeling.

Within an hour I could see an improvement in my milk supply. Often on days I work, I get home and I feel empty as if I pumped more than my baby normally eats. Within the hour of eating a bar I can feel full again and ready to nurse! I would not recommend more than one of these bars a day.

The last product, and my personal favorite, are the lactation cookies! These are DELICIOUS. They taste like a great homemade chocolate chip cookie. It takes everything in me not to eat the entire bag. What I like about these are they take a couple to really increase the milk. That means I can have one and get a slight increase without choking my little man. With a couple a day, I can notice an increase in my supply! The cookies do not taste like a lactation supplement but more so like a perfect tasty cookie!

By eating these treats consistently I’ve been able to continue to support my breastfeeding journey and give myself a yummy treat that’s all-natural and made with love when I’m busy and on the go!

Head over to to see all the different flavors and options they have to offer!

As always, feel free to message me with any questions or to chat!

XO, Karlene
