Holiday Home Tour

Today on my drive home from work I was thinking of my long to-do list. I was anxious thinking of the little amount of time I had to do it all and how Asher would never let me work on anything! I pulled up to my home and was trying to mentally plan out what I was going to attempt first but when I walked through the door I was greeted with Christmas lights and trees and the smell of pumpkin cupcake. I was overcome with thankfulness and I instantly forgot of all the things I was stressing over.

Instead of attempting to tackle my never-ending chore list and stressing because I couldn’t even attempt to start anything with my one-year-old, I spent the afternoon watching the polar express, crawling in a little tent, and playing blocks with my boy.

Now as I make dinner I can hear my husband jumping around upstairs followed shortly by baby giggles. The tree in my kitchen is twinkling and I can’t help but think back to when I was young at Christmastime.

My mom would literally deck the halls. Every inch of the house would be decorated or at least that’s what my childhood brain imagines. I remember begging to pull out the decorations for every holiday and when she would finally bring them out I would run around the house placing everything where I wanted it. Knowing my mom I’m sure she moved most of them but left a few for me.

Then when my boyfriend of only four months (now husband 😬) and I were looking for our first home I immediately started buying holiday decor. Before I even had a potential home I already had bins of Christmas decorations waiting to be put up! I loved it for more than what it looked like but how it made me feel. I couldn’t wait to have a house of my own to fill with holiday fun!

Through the years I’ve collected quite a bit and just like my mom does, I decorate every spot I can jam a tree or statue into. Now when I walk through my house I can still remember the excitement I felt as a kid when I got to help my mom decorate for the holidays 💗

The last few years I have had quite a few people ask me for a home tour so I thought what better time than during the holidays!

Here’s a little peek into my happy place, the place I go to forget all my troubles and snuggle my loved ones under some twinkling lights:

                       Happy Holidays!

                          Xo, Karlene 💗
