The Importance of Meal Timing


Meal timing.

It’s something that most people don’t think about or even know makes a big difference but just like we know food is fuel, timing your “fuel” is just as important as what you are using to energize your body.

Since having Asher, I’ve had to completely switch up my food sources and timing. It started off just needing to lay off macro counting and just calorie count for convenience as I adjusted to new mom life but as I’ve mentioned before in my post What I Eat To Stay Fit While Boosting Milk Supply., I quickly learned I needed to eat carbs consistently around the clock to keep up with my milk supply.

Breastfeeding is hard work. Yes, it’s hard on us nursing mamas because of all the known reasons such as being the only person able to feed the baby, the astronomical amount of time you’re tied down to a couch, and what it does to you hormonally, but it’s hard on us physically as well. Your body is working around the clock to produce enough for your little one to eat and thrive. Your body is in constant overdrive so it needs the energy to keep up with that. That’s where the carbs come into play.

Carbs are your body’s energy source. So just like a nursing mom needs the energy to produce milk around the clock, those that are putting out a certain amount of energy need the carbs at the time.

A better example, when you’re physically active or working out. Your body is going to need the energy to keep up with what you’re doing as well as build muscle and repair them. This is why it’s super important to make sure you’re getting some form of carb before and after your workouts.

Prior to nursing I would have the bulk of my daily carb intake before and after my workouts and have trace carbs the rest of the day. My workout carbs would consist of oatmeal, potatoes, or rice and my trace carbs came from veggies and very little fruits but there are so many options out there!

Not only do you need carbs to help with building and repairing muscle, but very importantly you need proteins. Once I figure out my protein daily intake I split it evenly between all my meals. Since I am eating consistently every few hours this means I am getting the same amount of protein every few hours.

Protein is not only essential for your muscles growth and repairing but it helps with metabolism, blood glucose stability, and hunger control. It also preserves your current muscles from breakdown with age and overuse.

Typically, my favorite go-to protein is chicken. It’s easy to prepare ahead of time and I use it in omelets, on sandwiches or wraps, in soups, etc. But there are SO many more options than the typical chicken or beef. Foods like fish, pork, yogurt, cheese, beans, eggs all contain high amounts of protein along with so many more! Even veggies like corn, potatoes, and broccoli contain proteins.

*Did you know that almost every food has trace amount of fats, carbs, and proteins?!

Lastly, and my most favorite, are fats. I personally have tried eating fats at all different times of the day and even splitting them evenly throughout the day. Most people would agree that they should be consumed away from your workouts. Since they are slow digesting they can cause you to feel tired and sluggish during your workout. I found that the amounts I eat aren’t enough to affect mine personally so I eat equal amounts with each meal SINCE I have been nursing.

Fats are my favorite because they keep me full and satisfied. I personally like to eat them evenly throughout the day for that reason mainly. If you find a time of day that you are hungrier than others, eat some fat! My go-to favorites are avocado, lean beef, cheeses, and of course nut butters šŸ˜‹

Like I said earlier though, the majority of people will tell you to eat your fats away from your workouts!

Miraculously, all of our bodies are different and respond differently to foods and meal timing. Some people can eat right before a killer workout where others need to eat a few hours before. There are even those crazy people who perform best with no food (mind-blowing to me).

But just like everything the foods you eat are going to make the biggest difference in the timing you choose. All foods are not created equally so trying out meal timing with a McDonald’s cheeseburger as your fat source or a bowl of pasta for your carb source may not work to your advantage (or maybe it will šŸ˜¬).

Give it a go! See what works for you.

As always, if you have any questions or comments message me! I’d love to chat šŸ™‚

Karlene šŸ’—
