Banana Breakfast Muffins

Gooood Morning!!

For those who know me, you know I absolutely LOVE all things sweet. Like gotta have it, can’t get enough! So when I decided my life duty would be to own a gym and be in shape year-round (what was I thinking!?) I knew there was no way I would be saying bye bye to my treats. There is something extra special about waking up with something sweet. It makes the mornings that much more fun!

Since becoming a new mom, my main goal with food has been of course milk supply. I noticed a direct correlation to the foods I was eating and the output I was providing for Asher. Now we are sitting at eight months postpartum and the supply has been on point and we’ve been rocking and rolling in the milk department so I decided to dig out an old favorite, Banana Breakfast Muffins!

These bad boys were a prep staple when I was training for my show back in 2014. As I am sure you are aware by now, I not only love the quality in my foods but QUANTITY and these deliver both. Each serving is two whole muffins and they take just minutes to make. Add that you can bake a few servings at once and they refrigerate well for up to three to four days and you have a work week breakfast prepped and ready to go!

Now, to be honest, these used to be called Granola Breakfast Muffins and they didn’t include banana because back in the day (competition life) I truly thought fruits were the devil! What a life to live! I think I went two entire years of my life only eating fruits on top of my cheat meal waffles maybe once a month. Now I eat loads of berries and fruits at least twice a day! They satisfy my sweet tooth and bring in necessary nutrients. The point is, you can easily omit the banana and these muffins will still be excitement worthy!

Now to the preparing part! I am providing the recipe for just one serving because that’s how my brain works, but feel free to triple or quadruple the recipe to allow for a week’s worth of muffins!

Banana Breakfast Muffins

353 Calories, 46g Carbs, 7g Fat, 30g Protein, 11g Sugar

  • 1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 1/4 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
  • 1 Egg White
  • Half a Banana
  • 1 tbsp Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 1/4 Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/4 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1/8 Cup Muesli or Granola

Combine all ingredients in a bowl (You will have to separately smash up your banana
before mixing), and pour into a muffin tin. Take your muesli or granola ( I prefer muesli because there is less sugar and I love dried cranberries) and sprinkle on top of muffins.

Bake at 350 for 15 minutes and that’s it!

I enjoyed these cold or if I had time to sit down with a coffee I would pop them in the toaster oven for a few minutes to get them nice and warm and crispy again on top! Also, to all my gym goers, you can increase the number of oats to make it the perfect pre or post workout. Another plus if you are heading straight from work and need an easy meal on the go!

How did you like these muffins!? Tag me in your pictures, I’d love to see your finish result!

And as always feel free to contact me for any questions or tips!

Enjoy 🙂
