What I Eat To Stay Fit While Boosting Milk Supply.

I was prepared to take it easy after having my baby. I was going to eat whatever was convenient and easy to prepare but I actually found that I craved the meals I normally ate, or I was just ready to feel back to normal, regardless, after a week I started back up on my macros. Within just a few days I felt great, I was dropping weight, and I had more energy.

I do weigh all of my food. For most, this isn’t a very practical routine but I have done it for years and I am a pro so it doesn’t add much time to my meal prepping. I track all of my foods Monday through Friday and then on the weekends allow myself a free meal. After the baby came I started on a calorie limit regimen instead of macronutrients. I did a higher fat amount because that is what my body preferred in the past.

After a few weeks, I started noticing by the end of the day my milk was seriously lacking. I was getting headaches and feeling extremely dizzy and lightheaded. My baby would fuss and seem unsatisfied. On many occasions, I would have to use pumped milk in a bottle before bed to allow him to sleep comfortably. My calories were more than ample what I personally needed and far beyond the recommended amount for pregnant and/or nursing woman, so I was at a loss for why my supply was diminishing.

Many evenings I would cry in frustration feeling as if I was failing my baby and selfishly choosing to eat “healthy” and have to supplement my nursing sessions with a bottle. I felt the guilt and frustration. I was worried I would have to stop eating the way I do (which I would have without hesitation if I had to) but knew I would get sick and feel terrible.

Then I started noticing that in the beginning of the week my baby would fuss less compared to later in the week. I eat much more carbs on the weekends so I decided to see if switching my calories from fats to a heavier carb based plan would help and the change was incredible! Within just a day or two, I was able to drop the nighttime bottles and nurse him to sleep instead. The dizziness and lightheadedness disappeared and I finally felt like myself again.

I’ve never been able to eat a lot of carbs so this was quite the treat for me! I changed all four of my meals to high carb meals and it worked like a charm. I was back to dropping weight, feeling energized, and above all my baby was happy and content!




My first meal of the day is always oatmeal. I eat it cold or hot depending on if I am working or waking up with my little one. When Asher was little he refused to let me set him down so with this meal I could prepare a few days in advance in mason jars when my husband was home and then just grab and go! You can add any yummy toppings you choose but this is how I always prepare mine!

Milk Boosting Oatmeal:

Traditional Oats

Beverly UMP Vanilla Protein

Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

Peanut Butter





I never “snack”. I eat all of my calories split up into four meals. I found that with a baby less meals work better. This allows for less preparation and who has time to eat when caring for a baby!? Another easy meal I like to throw together is a fried egg and chicken sandwich. I always prepare my chicken in the beginning of the week and then I can reheat it when needed!

Fried egg and chicken sandwich:

Ezekiel Bread




Red Onion


Hot Sauce and Spicy Mustard

Salt and Pepper

Potatoes are an excellent carb source for improving your milk supply but with a baby, I do not have the time to peel and boil one every day, so instead, I make a hash! You can purchase organic hashbrowns that are all ready to cook and enjoy! I loved this meal so much when I was pregnant that I would eat it twice a day 😀 You can add in any vegetables or protein to make it perfect for you!

Easy Breakfast Hash:

Organic Frozen Hash Browns

Red & Green Pepper



Diced Tomato

Whole Egg



Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder

LOTS of Hot Sauce

I love my sweets, especially before bed! So I like to finish my night with a fruit smoothie. I just add all the yums and blend with ice then I can fall asleep (or stay up all night with a baby) full and satisfied.

Sweet Loving Fruit Smoothie:

Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk

Beverly UMP Vanilla Protein Powder


Traditional Oats

Ice, Blended

Topped with: Berries, Peanut Butter, Muesli, Pecans


These meals can easily be tweaked to fit any calorie intake. Just adjust amounts and serving size!

It’s not dieting if you love what you eat! Find the foods you enjoy and eat them! Moderation is key 😉