Rahoo Baby Product Review

You would think being a second time mom that not only would I have it all figure out but I would literally have it all. But once I found out I was pregnant again I took to the internet and bought more things that I thought would make my about to be crazy life less of a struggle.

I found that many of the baby loungers and nursing pillows I had tried were very unnecessary. They served one purpose and either my baby didn’t like them, they were used for such a short time, or in the case of nursing pillows, completely not user friendly. My house was full of so many baby items in every corner that I rarely used!

Then I was given the opportunity to try a new item, the Rahoo Baby Lounger.

What I first noticed about this baby lounger right off the bat was how absolutely comfortable not only the material was but the plushness of the product. The lounger is made from a beautifully soft fabric and the material was so pillow soft and comfortable.

The product was created for three purposes: Lounger, feeding pillow, and tummy time support.

Starting with the lounging option. There is a detachable head rest for the baby to use and the lounger has a nice mold for the baby to sit inside of. Avery was so relaxed by the way it molded to him, my baby loves to be held in tight so this gave him that same feeling! It is set at a slight incline so babies can enjoy everything around them while also helping with reflux and other newborn irritants. Unlike other loungers that I have tried, this one is the full length of the baby so you know they will fit right inside instead of worrying your baby may roll out or grow out of it too soon.

Another great thing about the Rahoo Baby is using it for feeding! Avery struggled with reflux very badly and for the first few months of his life he had to be fed upright and then could not be laid down flat for at least 15 minutes. Being a mom of not only a baby but a toddler as well made this very difficult. Having the Rahoo Baby to not only feed Avery in but also to let him digest in it was perfect. The slight incline was just enough to keep his milk down.

Lastly, this is great for tummy time training. By just flipping over the lounger your baby has a solid surface to work on those muscles. The soft padding is perfect for resting it on your legs or chest while playing with your little one. This was probably my favorite aspect of the Rahoo Baby! Avery LOVED it! The flat surface is made from a soft but sturdy memory foam that can be easily removed or placed back in.

If you’re looking for a great gift for that new mom to be or for something to make your life just a little bit easier this is it! Your baby will thank you 😉

PLUS! You can snag it for 30% off using the code GIFT4MOM now until Mother’s Day! Just head over to Rahoo Baby website by clicking HERE!

As always if you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to reach out!

xo, Karlene
